APEIR_AI, Impact and Key Policy Messages for Asia

APEIR_AI, Impact and Key Policy Messages for Asia

Authors: APEIR Coordinating Office

Institution: APEIR

In 2009 a new pandemic, H1N1 swine flu, threatened to kill millions around the world. Members of APAIR saw the opportunity to apply lessons learned from avian influenza to this and other infectious diseases. Thus, APAIR expanded its scope to include all emerging infectious diseases and was renamed the Asia Partnership on Emerging Infectious Diseases Research (APEIR). APEIR is a regional initiative composed of researchers, practitioners and senior government officials from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. APEIR brings together representatives from more than 30 partner institutions (research institutions, universities, ministry departments) to form an alliance to conduct research, mobilize knowledge, and advocate for policy and practice change in agricultural and public health. A steering committee sets the strategic directions of the work of APEIR and appoints and guides the activities of the partnership.